‘Twas the night before Christmas

And chambers were closed;

Whilst Cynthia busied,

Mistress just dozed.

Another year over –

A new one to start;

A good time for thanks

Which come from my heart.

To all those who serve

And adhere to my will;

Whilst taking their pain

As I practise my skill.

Sleep sack, suspension,

Belts, rope or chain;

Slaves who bear witness

To stripes from the cane.

The couples that spend

Some time here for play;

Exploring their limits

In a kink friendly way.

A few days rest

Before business resumes,

For they who dare visit

Our fine dungeon rooms.

Festive greetings to you

At this time of good cheer;

Much love  – warmest  wishes

For a happy new year!

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