After the events of the last couple of days, I will of course for the time being, not be offering sessions or hire of the Dungeon.

I have always believed in the importance of a duty of care to my clients; but the last few days have highlighted that preservation of our society is paramount at this time.

As the Government has requested, we all need to stay safe and remain as close to home as we can; by doing so we will not put the lives of anyone at risk.

My profession does not fall into the category of providing a necessary “service” – although it is one that I love. Added to which, as a self-employed person who travels to work, this is definitely an unnecessary journey.

I am so fortunate in that the people that visit me will understand that a step back for the short term is in all our interests.

I hope that in the meantime, by volunteering to help out in my local community I can be of some use – as time goes on I’m sure that there will plenty of ways to assist those around me.

When the dark clouds have passed and the sky is unveiled in its glory of blue, there will be opportunities to get together again.

I hope you will keep in touch by e-mail or phone if the fancy takes you!

Take care.

With love and hugs
