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Bag Lady!

A duvet cover, some rope, a sewing machine and a winch.Oh, and a massive dollop of imagination!  I can’t really take the credit for this, as all I had to do was lend Cynthia a helping hand as she climbed into the “sack” and then winch her off the...

When the Cat’s Away ….

From time to time I take a day or two off and when I return, Cynthia will be sure to have everything spic and span. But the life of a dungeon maid should not be all work – a girl must be allowed some rest and relaxation.  A wiling victim was to hand, and Cynthia...

Child’s Play!

I do enjoy Sissy games. They are simple, and yet cause such stress for a girl. Those of a certain age will remember Kim’s Game.  A tray, a dozen or so items and a blindfold. Sissy gets to see what’s on the tray, and is then blindfolded whilst an item is removed. She...

Into the web went I (a testimonial)

I asked Mistress Victoria for very secure bondage. I got it! Not once, not twice, but three times in the same session. Each time, the bondage became more secure until I couldn’t move anything. Heaven! I am normally quite talkative and jovial with Mistress...

Web Site!

I know that P will recognise my play on words here …… As many of you know, I like to experiment and when I have a willing participant, it is all the more pleasurable, particularly if Cynthia is on hand to aid and abet. The cellar was the perfect location to create a...