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‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas And dark across town, As Mistress and Cynth With a brew, settled down. By the flickering firelight They sat on the floor, And chatted about The year gone before. Old friends were welcomed – To new heights they rose; Newbies and...

It’s A Wrap!

P had never experienced the kink that is shrink wrap. I love it. The look, the feel and the tightness all have huge appeal. It takes cling film to a whole new level. Once bound, there’s the setting to with scissors (which I insist on the subject watching in the...

Black Out and Belt Up!

There is something very satisfactory about immobility and sensory deprivation. I don’t have to interact, because I’m not likely to elicit much of a response! The preparation is great fun – in this instance the head “look” was particularly...

Pegged Out!

Toy is a regular visitor. I often wonder why. He puts himself through so much. I think that, perhaps. he just likes Cynthia and me! Sometimes,he could be accused of “topping”. That’s very dangerous, as I will naturally take what is suggested and use...

A Crown of Thorns

P knows how much I enjoy all the different things he brings to Chambers. Usually they are of a CP nature, and are often home made, and I always take great pleasure in using such things against him! Imagine my delight when he arrived with this wonderful gizmo which he...