I’m Going Where the Sun Shines Brightly

I’m going where the sea is blue (actually it’s red!!) I’ve seen in in the brochure – I just hope that it’s true! So, no more working for a week or two! I’m off now for some R and R and will be back on Saturday, 10th January and...

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas The chambers were quiet, And Mistress would start On a strict liquid diet. Her wet stockings were hung By the fireside to dry; She’d a glass in her hand And a warming mince pie. She’d enjoy a few days Of relaxation and rest, Before...

Review by J and L

A couple of months ago the wife asked what I wanted for my birthday, thinking she wouldn’t agree, I joked a trip to a dungeon. Fast forward, and I was surprised in two ways to find ourselves standing outside the Cheshire dungeon. Both of us feeling a little...

Cock a Hoop!!

There is always a great deal of fun when F comes to visit – and believe you me, this novel decoration was no mean feat! The clever use of his carefully selected curtain rings led to him being “extremely and obviously pleased, especially about an...

Girls’ Night In

This weeks’ Apprentice left us cold and bereft of a challenge. Cynthia needed to explore further avenues, so Mistress introduced her to the depths of despair  that is represented by X -Factor. Whilst M warbled along to “Find Me Somebody to Love”, she...