
R enjoys trying new things and we are never stuck for things to explore. He is a bondage addict and comes up with some very interesting ideas. Bandage bondage is snug, as he found out when I swathed his head in a good old fashioned crepe covering! I’m extremely glad that I learnt bandage skills in my youth and next time, I must try a full body wrap!


Clinical Study!

A wonderful form of role play that I really enjoy is a medical based one. D was due his annual check-up at my Clinic, and duly presented himself for his appointment. The referral documentation was gone through, the relevant health questions addressed, followed by blood pressure, temperature and pulse rate checks. Some cardio exercise was undertaken, followed by a gentle probing of the relevant areas to ensure that he could leave the Clinic with a clean bill of health! I have now even acquired a proper ID badge – thank you, D!



Testing Times!

Mistress’s detention periods are no picnic, as Daphne was soon to find out. No “teenager” relishes the thought of a tongue (or whip) lashing from a figure of authority and girls can be far more difficult to deal with than boys. Often truculent, self-absorbed and argumentative, they have much to learn (and endure) from time spent with me. Appearing as trying to please cuts no ice with this headmistress! After a severe talking to, there followed an exam, which would show how much revision time had been spent on the topics involved. Needless to say, failure to achieve the 80% target resulted in some target practice of my own. A red-faced (and bottomed) Daphne was sent on her way – would her lesson be learned?


Reverse Psychology!

Imagine hanging upside down for an hour ……. When D specified that this was exactly what he wanted to experience, I have to say, I had my doubts. What about blood flow, dizziness, disorientation? As someone who can’t cope climbing up onto a step-stool and whose nightmare day out is Alton Towers (I hold the coats and the picnic), I was a little apprehensive. However, it was certainly a wonderful session, even though a little strange administering upended punishment!




Stocking Top!

Some sessions are such fun – this one took a stocking fetish to new heights! A body stocking and ten sets of tights were used to carefully encase S from top to toe, including making some bolero effect bondage for the upper body. Then I added this all-in-one heavy duty “stocking” over the lot, tied the top to the frame and supplemented the look with straps for a further layer of bondage. The best bit – all done whilst S was in the standing position (to include both legs sheathed in one leg-hole of a pair of tights), whilst I kept a steadying hand during the tricky manoeuvres!




Plastic Fantastic!

P  is a glutton for punishment. Having experimented with a variety of disciplines over the years, he fancied the idea of this plastic suit. He was warned it would be hot, particularly as underneath he was be-decked in a rubber suit. Some people will try anything, and whilst I always “work” within a person’s limits, Cynthia and I made very sure that he suffered heat, restrictive bondage and some time left in isolation to dwell on what might have been a less than good idea on his part!!


In a Class of His Own …….

As we all know, fetishes are many and varied and sometimes stem from our past. Indeed, they are not always kinky. L wanted to replicate his childhood memory of touching and lightly tickling his teacher’s feet whilst she read the class an end of day story. I was more than happy to enjoy a wonderful foot worship session, and to read a story at the same time! I could certainly stand a lot more of that particular fetish – thank you, L!




‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas

And time for a break;

So a few days off

Mistress would take.

Cynthia too, would

Have chance to de-stress

Free from the nuisance

Of Mistress’s mess.

Another year over –

So much we have shared;

Bondage, CP, confinement,

And role plays prepared.

For a short while

We shall be out of touch;

Then back to enjoy

What we love so much.

My thanks to all those

Who have come to our door

To practise their kink

To play and explore.

I hope you’ll continue

Our house to frequent

Whether for fun or pleasure

Or real punishment.

My love to you all

For this season of cheer

Have a magical Christmas

And a happy new year!

The Beautiful Game

I have never truly understood

Our love of the beautiful game –

Celebrity status, controversy,

Its silverware, fortune and fame.


Twenty two men, testosterone fuelled

Each hell bent on a win for their side;

Fast and fierce, laying siege to a goal

Eight feet high by twenty four wide.


Their behaviour is often deplorable

As they tackle, dive, writhe and gurn;

They challenge the ref, engage in a fight

While obscene sums of money they earn.


Yet, they’ve armies of loyal supporters

Who unite in one single aim –

To follow their team, win or lose

For love of the beautiful game.


Don’t just book it …

Thomas Cook it! It’s been ages since I had a foreign holiday – so it’s time to dig out the suitcases and various bit and pieces that are needed for a hot and sunny destination. I will be away from Chambers until Monday, 21st May. My phone will be switched off, though depending on how good the wifi signal is, I will do my best to reply to any emails from a sunlounger, beach or bar …..