See a Penny …..

See a penny, pick it up, and all day long you’ll have good luck! So the saying goes. This poor Sissy was thoroughly hot and bothered by my game which involved carrying pennies from one place to another, whilst working against the clock and with the use of just one arm – such fun!! Needless to say, hapless C failed to complete the task and had to take the punishment- I would loved to have had a penny for her thoughts!

Chain Male!

I believe that much about bdsm is the visual effect. Cynthia created this wonderful leatherette lederhosen and when S came to visit I was very keen to try it out. Several feet of chain carefully looped over and around, gave a “gladiator meets prisoner” look and resulted in a degree of difficulty of movement – perfect for keeping him in place and on the straight and narrow!


D expressed a desire to be placed in some stocks. As luck would have, it, we have a set and before long, Cynthia had adapted them to provide some less than comfortable punishment. As we know, traditionally, offenders were imprisoned in such a device and exposed to public abuse – these were very effective for my own take on abuse and D was well and truly “pilloried”!


Spoilt for Choice!

If Mistress allows you to make a choice, think carefully and chose sensibly. Indecision will lead to extra strokes. Not enough variety of implements will mean that Mistress will chose for herself. Hesitate, and the outcome is likely to be dire. Safe to say, Mistress will always win because the odds will be stacked massively in her favour. Take heed from P – he knows exactly where I am coming from and precisely where I am going!

Rubber Stamped!

R loves all things rubber. The look, feel and tightness appeal to his kinky side. Take a rubber suit, add layers of bondage – belts, rope and shrink wrap, followed by some  gentle tease and not so gentle torture, and his attention is firmly focused. A well placed boot applied to just the right place with a nudge, a prod then a full on stamp shows him exactly who is in charge!

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas

And dark across town,

As Mistress and Cynth

With a brew, settled down.

By the flickering firelight

They sat on the floor,

And chatted about

The year gone before.

Old friends were welcomed –

To new heights they rose;

Newbies and Hirers

Tried dipping their toes.

As the year closes

It’s time for a break;

After which I’ll return

My pleasures to take.

In the spirit of Christmas

I send you my “best”,

And hope you’ll continue

Your limits to test.

You willingly let

Me practice my art

In so many ways  –

Sincere thanks  – from my heart.

To those who’ve not yet

Had chance to explore;

Just pay us a visit

And see what’s in store.

But, heed and be warned

As you pass through my door –

Remember – be careful

Just what you wish for!




It’s A Wrap!

P had never experienced the kink that is shrink wrap. I love it. The look, the feel and the tightness all have huge appeal. It takes cling film to a whole new level. Once bound, there’s the setting to with scissors (which I insist on the subject watching in the overhead mirror) to expose areas of play, After this tricky procedure, there are so many options to inflict in the pursuit of my pleasure! I was thinking of shrink wrapping my gifts this Christmas – just think of the hours of fun to be had in the unwrapping ……!


Black Out and Belt Up!

There is something very satisfactory about immobility and sensory deprivation. I don’t have to interact, because I’m not likely to elicit much of a response! The preparation is great fun – in this instance the head “look” was particularly fetching – gas mask, rubber hood over the top, and masses of tape used to finish off. My “prep” completed, I could sneak off for a quick cuppa, leaving P to his own devices …..


Pegged Out!

Toy is a regular visitor. I often wonder why. He puts himself through so much. I think that, perhaps. he just likes Cynthia and me! Sometimes,he could be accused of “topping”. That’s very dangerous, as I will naturally take what is suggested and use it for my amusement. Pegs, as you know, “nip”. They are only inoffensive when used to hang out washing. Here is Toy, wishing he had kept quiet, while I spent a very happy time – having first waxed – pegging, then twisting, pulling and generally enjoying myself. Toy sensibly refrained from pointing out that small things amuse small minds and will I hope, realise that discretion is the better part of valour and silence is golden!



A Crown of Thorns

P knows how much I enjoy all the different things he brings to Chambers. Usually they are of a CP nature, and are often home made, and I always take great pleasure in using such things against him! Imagine my delight when he arrived with this wonderful gizmo which he had, of course, to keep in place throughout the session! Little by little, I could turn the screws to keep him focused and remind him that bringing purchases for me to try is not always a good idea! I wonder if he will rememer to bring it with him on his next visit?!
